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US - Los Angeles 5135 - 4234

In The Center Street Name Here

Monday - Fraiday, 9am - 5pm,

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Sizes : 2". 3" to 36"
End Connection: Available Width Hammer Union end Connections
Pressure Rating: Pressure Tested Upto 1500 psi
Types: Tees Elbows - 45° - 90°, Cross Long Bends

Line pipes

Flow lines are pipes connecting the wells with the treatment plants. Flow lines are the connection from the well itself, to either a treatment plant or a gathering station. The trunk lines are usually the bigger lines. They carry often a lot of oil to the final treatment.
There is another group of lines; these are just called pipe lines. Here treated crude is transported very often over long distances. These pipe lines are very big lines and reach often diameters of 60 inches and more. Due to the fact the oil which is transported through these is already purified not so much problems arise, as seen in trunk or flow lines.

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